Eric Sutton has proceeded before all levels of courts of criminal jurisdiction, both trial and appellate, inclusive of the Supreme Court of Canada. His trial experience is vast and includes trial before jury.
His practice encompasses all types of criminal and penal infractions including commercial crimes, crimes of violence, tax evasion, sexual assault, extradition, homicide, drug trafficking, theft, fraud, impaired driving, as well as a wide array of offences under federal and provincial law.
He has initiated numerous
proceedings under the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
and has as well successfully
petitioned the United Nations
Human Rights Commitee
(Geneva) on the subject of the
death penalty.
He has been invited as a guest speaker by the Bar of Quebec, has guest-lectured on the subject of criminal law for Concordia University (Montreal), and has frequently commented on criminal law issues for the media (television, radio, print).