In the aftermath of the Weinstein affair and other similar scandals, there has been a litany of support for the alleged victims, who are lauded for their courage in speaking out. What is unfortunate, and this has oft been stated, is that the targets of these media-generated campaigns are smeared without any due process. The complainants’ versions of events are not subject to any scrutiny to determine the legitimacy of their allegations. What is further overlooked is a pattern of behavior whereby far too many victims readily seek the attention and favor of individuals in positions of power and prominence, and prove willing to silently compromise their own integrity in the vain hope of advancing their careers. The complaints usually arrive long after the complainants have achieved their professional ambitions or have resigned themselves to anonymity.
Let’s not kid ourselves as to the feigned naiveté of so many of these complainants who, while inebriated, decry inappropriate behavior occurring in hotel rooms with participants they barely know. While this does not excuse the conduct of an aggressor, it calls for some reflection on the values inculcated in these “victims” who, in their thirst for recognition and advancement, are willing to compromise their personal integrity.
This is much more a social problem than a legal one.